BECAUSE... The N-Word writing competition for 13-17 year olds ends Sept. 30. Award ceremony is Oct. 14, 6-9pm as part of the N-Word & Insidious Racism debate

This is the microsite for the BECAUSE... BTWSC's brand for tackling socially-conscious issues in an engaging manner for youth and inter-generational audiences.

The first project tackled Youth Crime (Oct. 2005-April 2006). The second tackles the N-Word (July - Oct. 2006)




Because... The N-Word youth writing competition


Because...Youth Crime Project homepage
To Read Because... Youth Crime Interim Report
To Read Because... Youth Crime
Report In Harrow Observer

To See Because... Youth Crime Workshop Photo Gallery
To Watch Sub-2 Minute Video Clip 

Because... Youth Crime document






The Because... youth crime project has ended the first phase, which consisted of the youth competition, and inter-generational workshop.


The second phase consists of publishing a summary and document consisting of the youth contributions, outcomes of the workshop and ancillary resources, which will be made publicly available and presented to policy-makers in due course.


A limited edition hard copy of the Because... Youth Crime booklet was launched at City Hall on April 11 2006. For a copy, please send £8 (inclusive of postage within the UK) to BTWSC, P O Box 14092, London NW10 1WL